Shwe Ein Machinery Limited (SEM) is official Perkins dealer in Myanmar and founded in 2011. We are delivering Perkins products and services to 200+ customers from retails, manufacturing, telecoms, banking industry in Myanmar. Having 40 committed team with five branches across the country and expanding more to serve customers with demanding geographical presence.
Partnering with a leading brand like Perkins is demanding yet greatly rewarding, SEM aims high to deliver excellent products and outstanding services to our customers; never a compromise on quality, and zero-tolerance approach in upholding our values, especially in the areas of sustainability and the fight against corruption.
We are also partnered with EIK and Donaldson with having strong corporate culture to embrace ambitious business standards and best practices help us create the best value for our customers and striving to be a responsible and inspiring business by working. SEM is also a partner with Myan Shwe Pyi Tractors Limited.